Research and Development tax relief: tax breaks to reward your innovation
It’s important to make sure your business stays at the forefront of the market. Research & Development tax relief is designed to help you do it.
It’s one of the most generous corporate tax breaks available. You can claim back money that you spend on R&D to offset against your tax bills or receive a repayable tax credit. So it’s a win-win: improve your products or services, and offset the costs to do it.
What’s more, it’s wide-ranging. Not just for those in lab coats. R&D covers any project that seeks to achieve an advance in overall field of science or technology by resolving uncertainties – open to any company, in any industry.
Simply put, if you’re trying to create something new or improve upon an existing process, then you may be eligible for relief.
That’s where we come in.

What we can do for you:
We have a specialist R&D tax team who know the subject inside-out. We’ll work with you to identify what you can claim, prepare the supporting documents and submit it to HMRC as part of the company’s tax return.
What’s more, we’re tax experts first and foremost. We know exactly what qualifies per legislation, and how to present information to HMRC. The advice you get from us will be accurate, insightful and comprehensive.
We understand HMRC’s language, and we understand the impact a relief claim will have on your tax position, compliance and strategy.

Understand the rules
R&D legislation can be complex, so it’s important to get high-quality advice.
Take a look at our round-up of useful case law that’s shaped legislation.